Stats - December 2003 - February 2004
Things definitely improved as we progressed through the winter.
December Stats
Monthly Total: 607.1 AH
Daily Average: 19.5 AH
Best Day: 45.5 AH
Worst Day: .2 AH
Days Below 5 AH: 8
January Stats
Monthly Total: 654.1 AH
Daily Average: 21.1 AH
Best Day: 55.1 AH
Worst Day: 0 AH
Days Below 5 AH: 8
February Stats
Monthly Total: 868.8 AH
Daily Average: 31 AH
Best Day: 63.1 AH
Worst Day: 0 AH
Days Below 5 AH: 3
This doesn’t take into account the power from the wind generator. I still don’t have any method of measuring the output of the H80 over time. I can state that we have been generating much more power from the wind generator, we’ve had several days where I am certain that we made more than 100 AH from wind.