Another stunning day
20C, sunny, couldn’t ask for better. Dad worked on the window casements. We’re doing them in maple harvested from our land. Each has to be custom made since each window frame is slightly different. I spent most of the day up in the gallery caulking seams and cutting off window spacers.
We’ve been cleaning out the front part of the house in preparation for the move. Mom and Jo moved some of the scrap wood out to the back. Jo sanded posts for a good part of the afternoon.
Dad and I are going to start fibreglassing the shower stall tomorrow since we don’t want Joanne to be around those fumes, mask or no mask that wouldn’t be good.
We’ve determined that with construction going on we get about three days backup with the batteries. That means that we can last three days with virtually no sun before we have to run the generator. When we have a good sunny day like yesterday we actually gain a bit of charge. At noon yesterday we were generating 8 amps of power from the panels, our record is 12 amps which we got sometime in February. The discrepancy seems to be due to haze, the cold sunny days in February are crystal clear, but the sun’s out for much less time. Right now we have long sunny days but they aren’t nearly as clear.