At low ebb
There are times working on this project when I just don’t feel like we’re getting anywhere. The task is so huge that, as close to the end as we are, it still seems like there is way too much to do. Our Easter move in date is long since history, we’re looking at the end of May right now. Our landlord wants six weeks notice on our apartment so if we want to move in at the end of May we have to give notice next week. It’s a bit of a gut check to give notice when we have no appliances, no water, and the whole place is covered in dust. We really can’t afford to bring in any help at this point, so it’s all up to us.
Here’s the laundry list for today:
Mom put the first coat of urethane on the bathroom walls, and the Wiremold conduit covers. She applied stain to the shower back wall since Dad’s experiments showed that fibreglass will adhere to stained wood.
Dad worked on the outside walls of the bathroom. It looks like we’ll have just enough of our wood to finish.
I put the third coat of drywall mud on the back walls, sanded the outside walls of the bathroom, and built the dog bath.
Dog bath? You can see it in the pictures.