The Ceiling - Part 1
Over the Christmas holiday’s we started covering the ceiling in the gallery space with tongue and groove cedar. Dad won the cedar at an auction last spring for a very good price. We won a large stack of boards almost all of which were 16’ long, 8” wide and all were tongue and grooved. Unfortunately about 40% of the boards were in pretty bad shape: worm-eaten, weathered, rotten, or warped in some way. We’ve been cladding our various sheds in the crappier boards and putting aside the good ones to use inside. This fall Joanne and Mom sanded and finished some of those good boards and that’s what we’ve been using.
Over time the Tuck tape that sticks the vapour barrier to the beams has lost it’s tack so I’m re-taping as I go.
Fitting the long boards is much easier with a helper. By the end of a day working over your head like this your arms feel like they are about to drop right off.
For extra fun every board in the middle row had to be custom cut to accommodate the light and fan junction boxes. Also because the boards need to be staggered the scaffolding had to make the full trip back and forth across the gallery about a half-dozen times over the course of the project.
We didn’t have quite enough boards so we’ll complete the job in the spring when we can finish the boards outside - the stain that we use for colour really reeks.
As usual when Dad works so do the children. What’s remarkable about this picture is that Gil is actually hammering real nails, into real wood with a toy plastic hammer. No I don’t know why there is a parking lot beside the board. Look at how long those legs are! Wonder where he gets his build from?