The Straw House Blog


A Message from Your Pregnant Correspondent

Joanne here again. It was another busy day as we try to get things done before the big move (now confirmed to our landlord as May 25). Pete and Tina worked on the final coat of stucco. Glen has become quite the skilled dry waller (but if anyone asks for his help on this he will deny all knowledge of drywalling or his repetitive stress injuries will suddenly flare up) and after working on the back bathroom/storage room he learned some more about stuccoing from Pete and Tina. Donna and I finished priming the utility room. She helped Ron with the tub base and I put some Tremclad on the metal around the newly installed shower base (don’t worry Karen, I wore my respirator).

That is both the curse and the blessing of being pregnant while working on the house. It’s nice to take more breaks, but it’s a bit frustrating when so much still needs to get done before we move in. Although it doesn’t exactly break my heart that I won’t be able to move the heavy boxes….

One of the biggest challenges we’re going to have is getting the rest of the beams and posts sanded before we move. It’s a time-consuming job and we can’t do it while we’re painting or while Pete and Tina are stuccoing. My dad offered to come out to sand more beams which will definitely help, but ideally it would be good to do the posts with 120 grit because they’re still pretty rough.

Tomorrow I need to drive along Morton Line and find the Kennedy’s. They stopped in at the house one day when Ron was there and in the course of conversation asked about how I was going to get to work in Toronto. Apparently there are a few people who car pool to the Oshawa Go Station and they wondered if I’d like to join them, which, of course, I would. 

I did want to add another point to the last entry about the things we’ve learned. Always start something new in less visible places. Especially if you’ve never done it before. We first tried drywalling in the bathroom (where it will be seen the most). We should have started in the laundry/dog bath area and done the bathroom once we had a better idea of how to do it.

You don’t get to see me in my Darth Vadar respirator because I took all the pictures today. (my first successful pictures link!)