More progress
It rained most of the day. Which in our case is good and bad. Good because it made the house more humid which helps the stucco. We were getting some pretty bad cracking and crinkling on the freshly stucco’d walls, part of the reason for this could be that the walls are so dry that they are pulling the moisture out of the stucco mixture too quickly. Bad because we depend on the sun for our power.
The wall that we stucco’d yesterday had to get a re-coating of lime today to fill in the cracking and crazing. Pete and Tina went over the whole thing, Tina with her ‘jet pack’ soaking the wall down and Pete spreading the lime down super thin.
We got the back bathroom (storage room for now) primed and set up the grey shelves. That enabled us to clear out the back room and move the saw and other tools out of the front part of the house. Maybe now we can keep the level of dirt and sawdust down a bit in the front room. Two weeks to move date.
Here’s the current to do list:
- Paint kitchen and bathroom walls (and bathroom ceiling), both have already been primed.
- Conduit and main house electrical and phone lines.
- Door and window trim.
- Caulk/foam all remaining door and window edges.
- Fibreglass shower back wall, order shower stall glass, door, and all hardware.
- Measure for kitchen cabinets, get measurements to Gene, cut and build cabinets.
- Fix exhaust pipes where they pass through roof above bathroom.
- Get stove & dishwasher hooked up (dishwasher not yet delivered).
- Clean.
That’s the list for moving in.