Ready for the Crane
I’d like to say that I came up today and got a huge amount of work done… but really my dad and Rene had just about everything done. I hammered a few nails, stuffed some insulation into the ceiling, but really I was just impressed with what Dad had got done.
So here’s the plan. Tomorrow the crane is going to show up at 11am. It is going to lift the roof ends into place at the end of the cupola. Then like busy little bees we’re going to quickly fasten the 2x4’s into their hurricane clips. There are about 175 clips - we will be busy. The ends are really quite ingenious, my father did an excellent job in both the planning and execution of a tricky job. Cudos also go to Paul and Charlie at Scott-Morris for suggesting the cantilever concept. Here’s hoping it works the way we all think it should.
In attendance tomorrow we should have Dad, Rene, Mike, Ian, Mom and myself. Gator will resume his supervisory role.
Gator’s got himself in all the pictures again.