We’ve had quite a bit of rain here in southern Ontario this year. In fact we’ve already had more rain than we had all of last summer and we’ve shattered all previous records. I don’t mind rain at all, but I’m not a fan of massive downpours that wash out my driveway. So far we’ve had three such storms this summer, and since we’ve never been washed out before that’s pretty serious rain.
We’ve had Eric in with the backhoe twice now to fix the driveway, and the township has been working on the road pretty much continually all summer.
We think there used to be a culvert here. If there was, it’s gone now.
If you look behind Declan you can see most of road, back there in the forest where it doesn’t belong.
Fortunately this new gully is the township’s problem, not mine.
Joanne makes me drive the truck over the washout, neither of our cars could make it.
Here’s the road. There’s a brand new ditch, the old ditch is full of the washout from the previous storms.